"Gangguan ini memang bukan penyebab serangan jantung, tapi boleh menjadi petunjuk adanya faktor risiko yang perlu diwaspadai," ungkap Dr Arshad Jahangir, ahli jantung dari Mayo Clinic Arizona, seperti dikutip dari Dailymail, Rabu (6/4/2011).
Sindrom kaki gelisah atau restless leg syndrome merupakan gangguan neurologis (saraf) yang menyebabkan kaki rasanya tak mau diam bahkan saat sedang tidur. Gangguan ini termasuk salah satu faktor pemicu stres karena sangat mengurangi kualiti tidur.
Namun hubungannya dengan kesehatan jantung bukan karena sindrom ini boleh menyebabkan stres. Lebih dari itu, penderita sindrom kaki gelisah cenderung mengalami penebalan pada jaringan yang melapisi dinding jantung sehingga tidak lancar dalam mengepam darah.
Sebuah penelitian di University of California San Francisco menunjukkan, penebalan jaringan pada dinding jantung dialami oleh 45 persen penderita sindrom kaki gelisah yang menggerakkan kakinya lebih dari 35 kali selama tidur malam. Makin sedikit bergerak, risiko penebalan makin kecil.
Dalam pengamatan berkelanjutan selama 3 tahun, penderita sindrom kaki gelisah yang mengalami penebalan jaringan di jantung 2 kali lebih berisiko mengalami serangan jantung dan bahkan kematian. Sementara yang kakinya tidak banyak bergerak saat tidur, jantungya relatif aman-aman saja.
Penelitian ini dilakukan oleh Dr Ralph Brindis terhadap 584 penderita restless leg sindrome, dan dipresentasikan dalam konferensi American College of Cardiology di New Orleans baru-baru ini. Salah satu lembaga yang membiayainya adalah National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute .detikhealth
Restless legs could signal a hidden heart problem, warn doctors
The nighttime twitching of restless legs syndrome may be more than an annoyance - new research suggests that in some people, it could be a sign of hidden heart problems.
People with very frequent leg movements during sleep were more likely to have thick hearts - a condition that makes them more prone to cardiac problems, stroke and death, the study by Mayo Clinic doctors found.
Restless sleep: Twitching legs may be a sign of a more serious heart problems, say doctors
'We are not saying there is a cause-and-effect relationship,' just that restless legs might be a sign of heart trouble that doctors and patients should consider, said Dr Arshad Jahangir at the Mayo Clinic Arizona.
He led the study and gave results Sunday at an American College of Cardiology conference in New Orleans.
Restless legs syndrome is thought to afflict millions, though there's argument about just how many. Some doctors think its seriousness has been exaggerated, possibly to help sell treatments.
The syndrome gained more scientific respect several years ago, when several genes were linked to it. And doctors have long known that other types of sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea raise the risk of heart problems.
The new research suggests the same may be true of the syndrome, famously referred to as "the jimmy legs" in an old episode of the TV comedy "Seinfeld."
The study is one of the first to look at how the syndrome affects health 'other than the nuisance that it is,' said the cardiology college's president, Dr Ralph Brindis of the University of California, San Francisco.
It involved 584 people diagnosed with the syndrome by a neurologist based on four widely used criteria. Participants were given an imaging test that allowed heart thickness to be measured three ways, and were kept overnight so their sleep could be monitored.
Afterward, researchers divided them into two groups based on the frequency of leg twitches.
The 45 per cent who twitched at least 35 times per hour were more likely to have the thick-heart condition than the other 55 per cent of study participants who kicked less often.
Looking at all study participants about three years later, researchers saw that those with severely thick hearts - about a quarter of the total group - were more than twice as likely to have suffered a heart problem or to have died.
The study was funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and a private grant.
People with restless legs shouldn't panic, but it's worth talking with doctors about whether more tests are needed to look for an enlarged heart, Jahangir said.
'Don't ignore it. Discuss it with your physician,' he said. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1373276/Restless-legs-syndrome-signal-hidden-heart-problem.html
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