TVSelangor 09 19032011 Polis Dan SKMM Tahan Blogger Pro PR

TVSelangor 09 19032011 PR Siap Sedia Hadapi Pilihan Raya Negeri Sarawak

TVSelangor 09 19032011 Malaysia Perlu Teroka Tenaga Alternatif Berbandin...

TVSelangor 09 19032011 Najib sokong Taib Terus Terajui Sarawak

Khalid Ibrahim Kini di Sarawak.

Kini di Sarawak. Anak-anak masyarakat Penan di Sarawak masih menghadapi masalah pengangkutan ke sekolah. Demi menyelesaikan masalah org Penan, kerajaan P.Pinang & Selangor menderma kereta 4WD & RM 10,000 sbg dana penyelengaraan.

Japan: Supplies not getting through

DAP will fight PAS lottery ban, warns Karpal

March 19, 2011
Karpal Singh
SEREMBAN, March 19 — Karpal Singh warned PAS last night that DAP will fight its Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ally if it stands firm on the unconstitutional lottery ban in Kelantan. In an apparent ultimatum, the DAP national chairman warned the Islamist party not to “play with the law” and to respect the rights of non-Malays in the state.
“Any attempt to go against the law [and] we will also go against PAS,” he told the 5,000-strong crowd at the DAP 45th anniversary dinner here.
The Kelantan PAS government has been heavily criticised by Chinese-based parties across the political divide for confiscating lottery tickets and impose a ban on their sale.
Observers have characterised the ban as an attempt by PAS to reclaim the Malay vote, which has consistently swung back to Barisan Nasional (BN) in the past few by-elections.
The latest flashpoint between DAP and PAS surfaced only days before polling for the twin by-elections in Merlimau and Kerdau, where PAS contested.
BN went on to win the two state seats with increased majorities.
PR earlier this week tried to minimise the fallout from the public spat by announcing that its leadership council would oversee any move to amend regulations or laws in opposition-controlled states.
The pact’s de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the council had agreed that, while it would leave such decisions to the discretion of the state government, these matters should first be discussed among PR’s top leaders.
But Karpal’s latest statement - similar to his claim that PAS will only create an Islamic state in Malaysia “over his dead body” — threatens to disturb the uneasy peace between the two parties.
DAP has warned PAS that its hardline stance on gambling would only slash Chinese support for the party.
MCA has also threatened court action against the Kelantan government, questioning its right to impose the ban.

News Bulletin - 17:35 GMT update

PM Jepun: Situasi krisis nuklear masih kekal serius

March 18, 2011
TOKYO, 18 Mac — Perdana Menteri Jepun Naoto Kan berkata kerajaannya telah mengeluarkan kesemua maklumat berkaitan dengan bencana berganda ke atas di kompleks Fukushima Daiichi yang turut mengakibatkan negara itu berhadapan dengan krisis nuklear.
“Kami jujur mengatakan situasi kemalangan loji nuklear masih kekal sangat serius,” kata beliau dalam ucapannya kepada rakyat negara itu menandakan minggu pertama sejak gempa bumi dan tsunami melanda wilayah timur laut Jepun.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Pengarah Agensi Tenaga Nuklear Antarabangsa Yukiya Amano berkata pihaknya bercadang untuk mengadakan mesyuarat luar biasa mengenai loji tenaga nuklear Jepun, Isnin ini.
Amano mengumumkan rancangan itu pada sidang media di sini hari ini.
Sementara itu, bekalan elektrik ke reaktor No 4 loji tersebut boleh dipulihkan pagi esok, kata operatornya Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Awal hari ini, agensi keselamatan nuklear Jepun berkata tenaga elektrik kepada reaktor No.1 dan No.2 juga akan pulih pagi esok.
Bekalan elektrik diperlukan untuk mengawal peningkatan suhu dan sekali gus mengelakkan kebocoran radiasi bertambah buruk. — Reuters

Tanah kubur jadi tapak rumah

ABDUL WAHAB (lima dari kiri) bersama penduduk meninjau tapak
perkuburan Islam yang bakal dibangunkan di George Town semalam.

GEORGE TOWN – Tak cukup tanah, bina rumah atas tapak kubur.
Demikian dakwaan penduduk Kampung Bukit Kechil, Sungai Nibong dekat sini terhadap rancangan sebuah syarikat pemaju untuk membina projek perumahan di atas sebahagian tanah perkuburan Islam kampung berkenaan tidak lama lagi.
Ia berlaku selepas pemilik tanah bertindak menjual tanah di atas bukit di situ kepada syarikat berkenaan baru-baru ini.
Penduduk mendakwa, tanah itu sebelum ini telah diwakafkan oleh pemiliknya sebagai kawasan perkuburan bersama beberapa pemilik lain semasa mereka meneroka kampung itu kira-kira 200 tahun lalu. malah kawasan seluas kira-kira 0.2 hektar itu telah dipagar oleh Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang (MAIPP) sebagai tanah wakaf sejak lima tahun lalu.
Fikri Hasanusi, 43, mendakwa, walaupun ia hanya melibatkan kawasan seluas 100 meter persegi, 20 kubur lama di situ bakal lenyap dan bukannya dua kubur seperti yang didakwa oleh pemaju.
“Kami tidak mempertikaikan hak pemilik menjual tanah tetapi kami minta pihak berkuasa meninjau keadaan ini kerana ia melibatkan kepentingan orang ramai dan ramai waris si mati,” ujarnya kepada Kosmo! semalam.

Bank Negara catu kad kredit

BNM menyemak semula syarat permohonan dan pemilikan kad kredit bagi mengelak orang ramai terjerumus dalam kancah hutang. - Gambar hiasan

KUALA LUMPUR - Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) menguatkuasakan beberapa peraturan drastik bagi pemilikan kad kredit khususnya untuk mereka yang berpendapatan di bawah RM36,000 setahun untuk mengawal perbelanjaan boros selain membendung risiko generasi muda diisytiharkan muflis.
Peraturan baru itu dijangka memberi kesan kepada lebih 480,000 pemilik kad kredit di negara ini yang berada dalam segmen pendapatan itu.
Antara syarat yang dikuatkuasakan serta-merta itu ialah kadar kelayakan gaji minimum bagi setiap permohonan baru kad kredit dinaikkan daripada RM1,500 kepada RM2,000 sebulan.
Pada masa yang sama, mereka yang mempunyai gaji RM3,000 sebulan atau RM36,000 setahun hanya dibenarkan memiliki kad kredit daripada dua buah bank sahaja.
Timbalan Gabenor Bank Negara, Nor Shamsiah Mohd. Yunus berkata, jika seseorang itu mempunyai kad kredit daripada banyak bank, individu itu perlu memilih dua bank sahaja dan membatalkan kad kredit yang lain menjelang akhir tahun ini.
"Kepada mereka yang terpaksa membatalkan kad masing-masing di bawah syarat ini, mereka diberi masa dua tahun untuk melangsaikan baki kredit tanpa sebarang syarat daripada bank," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini semalam.
Katanya, syarat umur sekurang-kurangnya 21 tahun untuk memohon kad kredit dikekalkan.

Radioaktif akan tersebar ke Britain

GAMBAR disiarkan kelmarin menunjukkan reaktor nuklear No.3 di loji jana kuasa nuklear Fukushima Daiichi di Fukushima yang mengalami kerosakan.

STOCKHOLM - Seorang pakar nuklear Sweden memberi amaran debu radioaktif dari loji nuklear Fukushima-Daiichi di Jepun yang bocor akan sampai ke Britain dalam masa dua minggu lagi, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.
Pakar Institut Kajian Pertahanan Sweden, Lars-Erik De Geer berkata, ramalan debu radioaktif akan tersebar ke Britain dibuat berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan oleh sekumpulan saintis yang memantau ujian nuklear di China.
Seterusnya, kata De Geer, debu radioaktif itu akan tersebar ke serata Eropah yang jaraknya lebih 14,000 kilometer dari Fukushima, Jepun.
"Namun, orang ramai tidak perlu bimbang kerana debu itu tidak berbahaya kepada manusia," katanya.
Menurut pakar berkenaan, debu radioaktif dari loji nuklear Fukushima Daiichi telah mencemari Amerika Syarikat (AS) selepas ia dikesan melekat pada pesawat-pesawat komersial yang tiba di negara kuasa besar itu.
Menurutnya, asap radiasi pula diramal melanda bahagian perairan barat AS yang terletak lebih 10,000 kilometer dari Jepun, lewat semalam.
Buat masa ini usaha sedang dilakukan bagi menyejukkan nuklear tersebut selepas ia rosak akibat gegaran kuat gempa bumi.
Beberapa pegawai menyatakan, mereka mungkin meletakkan beberapa reaktor nuklear di bawah struktur konkrit bagi mengelak penyebaran debu radioaktif.
Sementara itu, jumlah mangsa korban rasmi dalam gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda Jepun pada 11 Mac lalu meningkat kepada 6,539 orang sekali gus melebihi angka korban akibat gempa bumi di Kobe pada 1995.
Agensi Polis Kebangsaan Jepun menyatakan, jumlah mangsa yang hilang pula meningkat sedikit kepada 10,254 orang dengan angka keseluruhan mereka yang mati dan hilang setakat ini adalah 16,893 orang.
Sejumlah 2,513 yang lain cedera dalam bencana itu.
Perdana Menteri Jepun, Naoto Kan semalam menyatakan bahawa pihaknya akan mengatasi tragedi yang berlaku di negaranya.
"Kami akan sekali lagi membina semula Jepun," katanya.
Menurut Kan, kerajaan negaranya akan melaksanakan kawalan tegas di loji nuklear Fukushima Daiichi yang kini mengalami masalah selepas ia meletup sebanyak empat kali.
Dalam gempa bumi itu, hampir 400,000 orang hilang tempat tinggal. - Agensi

Ketua UMNO Gombak sudah mengaku gambar panasnya

Oleh Milo Suam

Semalam Blog MiLo SuaM telah mendedahkan sekeping gambar panas Ketua UMNO Gombak bermesra dengan kekasih gelapnya di dalam sebuah hotel, rujuk link ini [Gambar Panas]. Hari ini daripada maklumat yang diterima dari blog Tawan Malaysia, tuan punya diri dikatakan sudah mengaku bahawa gambar itu sememangnya adalah gambar dirinya [Tawan Malaysia].

ReJaM© tiada niat nak aibkan beliau, tapi pemimpin begini memang sewajarnya didedahkan agar tidak terus memperbodohkan rakyat dengan lagak pejuang Islam kononnya. Memandangkan beliau sudah mengaku, maka cukup sampai di sini pendedahan ini, tiada lagi gambar untuk mengaibkan beliau akan didedahkan.

Beliau dikatakan akan menghadap Ketua Perhubungan UMNO Selangor Dato Noh Omar dalam sehari dua ini secara gentlement memandangkan ini merupakan "skandal terbesar UMNO Selangor".

ReJaM© "Pemimpin-pemimpin dan semua ahli politik tak kiralah parti apa, INGAT! Anda sentiasa diperhatikan..."

Pak Seman (bukan nama sebenar)

Oleh: budakjolobu

" Ada berpuluh malah beratus ribu rakyat yang masih hidup susah, masih miskin melarat hidup kais pagi makan pagi, tidur bawah jambatan, yang betul-betul memerlukan bantuan. Lihat saja paparan di media setiap hari. Apatah lagi tiba pesta pilihanraya. Jabatan Bantuan pula menawarkan berpuluh skim bantuan. Ada skim jangka panjang, jangka pendek, ada skim mee segera dan ada juga skim tak dijangka.

Cerita 1
Mari kita baca kisah ini. Pak Seman (bukan nama sebenar) bercadang ke Jabatan Bantuan untuk memohon bantuan mendirikan gerai nasi lemak. Dengan harapan tinggi melangit beliau datang mengadap pegawai Jabatan Bantuan bersama semua dokumen yang cukup lengkap menyokong permohonannya. Beliau merasakan permohonan ini patut diambil perhatian dan tindakan. Sesi temuduga dan soal jawab pun berlaku. Sabar, tarik nafas panjang-panjang duhai Pak Seman…peratus untuk kelulusan telah diberi perhatian tetapi lambat untuk tindakan. Awas…jangan marah-marah. Ini bukan kerana pegawai bertugas tidak buat kerja atau makan suap (walaupun ada yang makan suap).ini bukan kerana karenah birokrasi di Jabatan Bantuan (walaupun ada istilah kroni). Mengikut kaji selidik sesi temuduga Pak seman sememangnya layak dan wajib mendapat bantuan. Tetapi oleh kerana ada puluh ribu permohonan, Pak Seman terpaksa memunggu giliran…lama dan cukup lama. Satu lagi beliau lupa pada satu perkara yang menjadi pra syarat wajib untuk memohon sesuatu bantuan kerajaan. Apa dia – mendapatkan surat sokongan yang bukan dari pegawai kerajaan kelas A atau ketua kampong atau nazir masjid, tak laku! Apa yang perlu Pak Seman buat adalah pertamanya, beliau wajib mendaftar menjadi ahli parti. Keduanya, mengadap ketua bahagian atau wanita, atau pemuda. Ketiga dapatkan surat sokongan berlambang parti diperingkat Dun/ Perlimen. Paling cikai jumpalah ketua cawangan. Seterusnya kepilkan bersama-sama borang permohonan. Jika semua langkah ini Pak Seman buat….permohonan pak Seman akan diangkat dan segera diluluskan tanpa usul periksa…jika pegawai bertugas Jabatan bantuan banyak sembang,banyak songeh, maka alamatnya panas punggunglah dia. Percayalah harapan Pak Seman tidak sia-sia….
Mengapa ini terjadi? Mengapa gerombolan dilihat tersangat berkuasa dan membela…
Cerita 2
Nak dijadikan cerita, kawasan Pak Seman akan diadakan PRK kerana kematian Tok Wakil. Satu program menyampaikan bantuan oleh Pak Menteri kepada Pak Seman telah dicadangkan  akan berlaku. Jabatan Bantuan diarahkan untuk melaksanakan program tersebut. Maka bermesyuaratlah mereka, bertungkus lumus, berbincang bab jemputan, bab aturcara, makan minum, khemah, gimik, sidang media dan sebagainya….Kerja hakiki terpaksa ditolak tepi. Ini majlis Pak Menteri, ini arajan dari masa ke semasa wajib di patuhi dan akhirnya….Siap dan…beres…
Hari kejadian pun tiba…semua urusetia program siap siaga…khemah penuh. Makanan terhidang, pengacara resah gelisah, para media mula panas miang, jemputan berpusu-pusu diluar kawalan namun, Pak  menteri tak kunjung tiba…3 jam lebih menunggu barulah muncul…..hahaha…mari kita tengok siapa yang kena…
Majlis penyerahan gerai nasi lemak Pak Seman menjadi medan gerombolan menunjuk kuasa dan jasa. Maka disambutlah Pak Menteri dengan senyum lebar dan henjutan salam oleh sang songkok tinggi dari kelas ketua cawangan, pemuda, wanita hinggalah ke bahagian…baju batik, baju merah putih memenuhi setiap sudut…maka mereka pun berucap bergilir-gilir….puji memuji sesama sendiri sambil gelak tawa. Sesekali menghentam pihak lawan…berbunyi begini “apa yang pembangkang boleh buat…buat ceramah sambil minta sedekah….main belakang boleh la….bla bla bla bla…” hadirin pun bertepuk sakan. Terselit pula acara serah borang masuk parti gerombolan oleh Pak Seman. Gerai nasi lemak Pak Seman akan di sangkutkan Wi-Fi. Bantuan ditambah lagi 200 persen. Pak Seman senyum lebar. Majlis nampak meriah, penuh sesak oleh sang songkok tinggi dan para pengokong, makanan habis kena makan dan kena bungkus. Selesai acara makan-makan, Pak menteri terpaksa pula bersilat lidah menjawab soalan wartawan.
Majlis hari kejadian pun selesai. Pak Menteri balik atau berangkat ke majlis lain yang sama agendanya. Sang songkok tinggi juga balik mengiringi Pak Menteri. Wartawan balik bersama sunyum sinis, berita akan diedit. Mana yang ok saja keluar tv dan surat khabar. Jika keluar semua, alamat sampailah surat tunjuk sebab. Tinggallah urusetia majlis Jabatan Bantuan bersama senyum tawarnya, setia menurut perintah bekerja untuk kerajaan, menunggu bonus yang tak kunjung tiba.
Sekali lagi…. Mengapa ini terjadi? Mengapa gerombolan dilihat tersangat berkuasa dan membela…
Bagaimana United Malay National Organitation dilihat begitu berkuasa dan membela. Berjaya mengamalkan gerak kerja ‘tumpang tuei’ berabad lamanya. Percayalah rakyat terbanyak termasuk keluarga Pak Seman, pekerja-pekerja di Jabatan Bantuan, para wartawan sedang menilai cara kita melaksanakan gerak kerja, seandainya tersalah langkah dan masih mengamalkan kerja ‘tumpang tuie’ ini, …mereka berhak menolak kita….peringatan serupa juga kepada kerajaan PR

Sarawak BN Tambah 5 Kerusi Dun

Oleh: mohdnoorawang

"Pilihanraya umum (DUN) negeri Sarawak yang lepas BN Sarawak memperolehi 63 kerusi DUN.

Pilihanraya umum DUN negeri Sarawak bila bila masa dalam bulan April 2011. BN Sarawak dan komponennya ( PBB, SUPP, PRS, SPDP) DIJANGKA dapat menambah kerusi DUN sebanyak 5 kerusi DUN. Menjadikan DUN Sarawak BN mendapat 68 kerusi DUN.

Dari sudut parti komponen pakatan rakyat ( DAP, PKR, PAS) dijangka merosot secara drastik atau rakyat Sarawak tidak memberi undi kepada pakatan rakyat, 

Pilihanraya umum DUN negeri Sarawak yang lalu DAP menang 6 kerusi DUN, PKR dapat satu kerusi DUN. Pembangkang dijangka hanya mendapat 3 kerusi DUN.
Jika diambil kira polar kesedaran politik dan ditambah corak politik dan tektik BN yang menggunakan wang, dan segala kemudahan milik kerajaan serta janji projek berjuta juta ringgit rakyat Sarawak secara umumnya tetap memberi undi kepada BN negeri Sarawak.
Perubahan minda dan polar kesedaran politik cukup sukar berubah sejumlah besar rakyat Sarawak dan secara amnya rakyat di Semenanjung.
Walaupun Ketua Menteri TS Taib Mahmud dan keluarganya menjadi lanun morden merampas tanah, rasuah, penyelewengan, atau apa bentuk sekali pun rakyat Sarawak cukup sayang kepada beliau.
Jika keputusan pilihanraya umum DUN negeri Sarawak BN memperolehi majoriti yang besar,  BN di Semenanjung berkokok lagi kuat dari anjing menyalak.
Walaupun apa perjuangan, reformasi dan perubahan untuk berubah perlu diteruskan. Halangan dan rintangan adalah makanan proses tribulisasi perjuangan.

TI-M: Probe Taib to avoid slide in graft index

Ghost-Island--Apocalyptic-scenes-in-tsunami-worst-hit-Japan-areas (2)

Rebels fight to hold on in Libya

Former prisoners plan Egypt political parties

Umno BN bukan sahaja tidak mengharamkan judi bahkan tambah lesen

Tijah: Seluruh pentadbiran Orang Asli sudah tercemar

akhir zaman

Sudah banyak tanda2 besar yang berlaku depan mata kita sendiri…dan kita sendiri sedar yang kita nie..bila2 jew Allah boleh tarik  nyawa kita…apa kita perlu buat ???sama2 kita insaf….

Warta Selangor Penuh 17 03 2011

Taib’s Balingian is the Epicentre of his Land Grab Corruption – Exclusive Expose !

Taib brings 'development' to his constituency in Balingian!
Taib Mahmud promised development, but has delivered disaster in his own constituency of Balingian.  Scores of  communities are at this moment reeling from the shock of the present wave of ‘development devastation’ in areas that were in many cases Reserve Forest lands.
Now, shockingly, our research into the companies behind the destruction shows that in every case the profits can be traced directly back to Taib, his immediate family or to key business cronies and nominees (people known to act as his regular proxy).
These pictures, taken during a tour of investigation just last week, resemble the aftermath of a tsunami – but it has been a tsunami of greed unleashed by one old man and his small army of cronies upon the people in his own backyard.  His own voters!
Everything for me – nothing for you
This was his land - he got nothing for it!
Taib has masked his land grabs by pretending he is benefiting the people through ‘progress’ and ‘modernisation’.  He lectures them to ‘be patient’, while at the same time he impatiently tears out anything of worth from the lands where they have lived for generations.
On the spot researchers have confirmed to Sarawak Report that the only people who have been receiving compensation for the lands taken are the state-appointed headmen, who are now paid not to represent their longhouse folk, but to keep them compliant.
These individuals have been offered a pitiful RM 250 ringgit per acre for their communities’ Native Customary Rights Lands - the rest of the people have received nothing for the loss of their traditional territories and livelihoods.
One 80 year old Iban has testified to his family having lived five generations on his land, clearing the trees and growing up fruit orchards, these were all swept away without compensation.  In one case the plantation company was narrowly prevented from bulldozing a longhouse into the ground.  Local people say they have lodged reports to the police, but that as ever such complaints are ignored.
Blantant exploitation - Empire Plantation offers a paltry RM 250 per acre to a local headman for his community's land. Also, while he is forced to 'relinquish all rights', Empire only 'tentatively' agree to pay up!
Needless to say RM 250 is a pitiful amount compared to the real worth of the wood and oil  palm concessions on these lands, which is demonstrated later in this article by the vast sums which have been paid to Taib family members by the public companies which acquired them.
Enrich my family and pay off my business partners in the name of ‘development’!
Sarawak Report’s investigations into the disposal of the lands in Taib’s area of Balingian and Mukah have revealed a quite staggering level of graft.  Shoddy attempts have been made to conceal the amount of money made by family members out of most of these concessions, but we have been able to trace the links and provide damming evidence of Taib family corruption.
Some of the concessions handed out by Taib in his own constituency. Palmlyn and Golden Star-Ace went to brother Arip, Green Ace, Saradu, Miracle Harvest to sister Raziah, SLDB/Sarawak Plantation, Kub Sepadu to cousin Hamid Sepawi, Empire Plantations to son of Hamid Bugo (political crony) and Chiong family, Rinwood to the crony Hii family.... and much more
Lands taken by Arip Mahmud and also Taib himself through Mesti Bersatu
Just one example is the large chunk of Balingian, around 34,000 hectares, handed out in the early 2000s to Taib’s closest sibling at that time,  the late Arip Mahmud.  We have identified 7 massive plots in the land registry, which were all handed to companies clearly managed out of the Lanco Plantation office, belonging to Arip.
Lanco Plantation Sdn Bhd is based at 458/459, Sublot 62, Padungan Road Kuching.  The Manager is Patrick Embol and the company’s lawyer is Lim Jit Meng.  We have clear testimony that Hamni bid Juni and Haji Anwar Susadd bin Razli were nominees of Arip Mahmud, as is evidenced by the fact that they gave the same address to the Land Registry as Lanco Plantations! (extract from the Land Survey Department’s Land Registry below):
These companies are all clearly controlled by Lanco Plantations in which the Chief Minister himself owns a substatial stake!
Despite the attempts to disguise the handouts to Lanco by using separate company names, the connections are easily spotted in the land register.  Palmlyn and Hariyama both share the same address as Lanco and Manager Patrick Embol’s number is the contact given for Rajah Mutiara Sdn Bhd.  Lim Jit Meng is the same lawyer who acquired two plantations in Pulau Bruit on behalf of Arip Mahmud (Eastern Eden and Poh Zhen) netting a profit of RM 40 million for Arip and the Chief Minster in a re-sale 12 days later!
Details of Lanco Plantation's address as registered at Malaysia's on-line Registry of Companies shows that it is the same as the company concessions shown in the Sarawak Land Registry above. The shareholders of Lanco also include Mesti Bersatu in which the Chief Minister has a personal shareholding. How much more proof are the defender's of Taib Mahmud expecting to get?!
All of the above companies were soon ‘hot-potatoed’ on to companies owned by the internationally notorious timber tycoon and Taib crony, Tiong Hiew King.  Some went to public companies, giving an idea of the profits made by the Mahmuds on these transactions, although others went into Tiong’s private companies where the transactions remain secret.
In the case of Hariyama, which grabbed 10,600 hectares of what appears to have been the Retus Protected Forest Reserve, we can see that Arip Mahmud negotiated the deal for RM 6.8 million on 24th February 2003 and then sold it on to Tiong’s Jaya Tiasa for RM 23.5 million four days later on 28th February 2003 for a cool  RM 17 million profit (details available in Jaya Taisa 2004 Annual Report and stock market announcement below).  The family also hold shares in Jaya Tiasa and so can continue to profit from the on-going exploitation of the area through oil palm plantation.
Extract of Bursa Malaysia announcement. The proof is all out there for people to see - don't say it isn't!
Likewise, there is clear evidence that the 5,000 hectare Palmlyn plantation, for which Arip was charged a mere RM 3 million premium on 12th February 2004, transferred on to another Tiong public company Subur Tiasa on 30th September 2004 for RM11.7 million, a sweet RM 9 million profit.
Extract from Subur Tiasa's on-line Annual Report 2004. People who say we have no proof are sadly lying.
Likewise Rajah Mutiara and Golden Star-Ace are now registered as being owned by private firms owned by Tiong’s Rimbunan Hijau Group.  For this reason the price paid to the Mahmuds has not been openly recorded, however we can rest assured that more millions were earned by Sarawak’s wealthiest family.
Sister Raziah and the scandal of Sarawak Plantation
We should not forget the massive profits that have also been made by the Geneids, Taib’s sister Raziah and son in law, Robert, in Balingian.  They have picked up 27,000 hectares of concessions in the region under the companies Miracle Harvest and Green Ace Resources, which the public company Kwantas took a 70% stake in after they received the concession.  The concessions are now being sold on for substantial multi-million ringgit profits.  Raziah was also handed Saradu Plantation by her brother, the Chief Minister, amounting to 5,000 hectares.
However, the scandal of Sarawak Plantation highlights another corruption at the heart of Taib’s government, which is his use of nominees and proxies to control the main businesses of the State of Sarawak and to privatise state assets into the hands of his own family.  The Chief of these nominees are the two ‘businessmen’ Hamid Sepawi and Hasmi bin Hasnan.
Like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum this useful couple appear as the Chairmen/ Shareholders of numerous key state ventures and ‘privatised’ ventures that receive contracts from Taib’s ministries.  Sepawi is Taib’s own first cousin and Hasnan is an early protege he picked up in the Land Survey Department.  These two men rocketed from obscurity to enviable positions as multi-business leaders, both featuring in the top 30 Malaysia rich list, after Taib took office in 1981.  They appear as joint managers in a string of Taib-backed ventures – one of these is the scandalous Sarawak Plantations.
Privatised into his own family!
Sarawak Plantation Berhad’s own Company Profile makes clear that it was deliberately set up and then converted into a public company  ”as the vehicle company for the privatisation of Sarawak Land Development Board’s (SLDB) assets”.  This means that the company was handed vast areas of land that originally belonged to the state.
The profile goes on lay out just how vast these concessions are and its ambitious programme to develop more NCR lands:
“ SPB is one of the pioneer players in the oil palm industry in Sarawak. Currently SPB has a total land bank of 52,071 Ha of which 12,914 Ha is under the Native Customary Rights (NCR) scheme. SPB, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Sarawak Plantation Agriculture Development Sdn Bhd (SPAD), owns thirteen (13) oil palm estates with a total planted area of 26,000 Ha as at 31 December 2009.
Further, in response to the State Government’s policy on NCR land development, SPB, through its subsidiary, SPB Pelita Suai Sdn Bhd (SP Suai), has developed and fully planted 1,855 Ha of NCR land in Sarawak with oil palms.
In addition, two new subsidiaries, SPB Pelita Wak Pakan Sdn Bhd and SPB PELITA Mukah Sdn Bhd, have been incorporated to undertake the development of new NCR land with a total gross area of 10,786 Ha.”
Taib and his family are making no apologies for ‘developing’ as much NCR land as they can get their hands on!  But the scandal of their profiteering could not be made plainer than in the shareholder information that is also publicly available for this ‘public’ company (see the same website).  Both Hamid Sepawi and Hasmi bin Hasnan of course occupy key controlling positions in the company and so their shareholding has to be made clear under the law.
Directors' Shareholdings - Sarawak Plantations Berhad reveals that both Hamid Sepawi and Hasmi bin Hasnan own over 30% of the 'privatised' company each! Even Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu's daughter gets a piece of the action, but not many public shareholders are thereofore benefiting from the profits of the State of Sarawak's former land bank!
Critics will be hard put to say there is no proof that over 60% of the State landbank of Sarawak, including vast areas of Taib’s own constituency (see the map above) has been ‘privatised’ into the hands of Tweedle Dum Sepawi and Tweedle Dee Hasnan, both widely derided as mere proxies for the old man himself.  Does the Chief Minister confuse the representation of his constituents with the ownership of his constituency?
Not content with their indirect ownership of thousands of hectares of Balingian through Sarawak Plantation (at RM2.2 per share the mens’ shareholdings are valued at just under RM 200 million each), both men have their own separate plantations in the area according to the records in the Land Registry.
A bit for ourselves? Excerpt from the Land Survey Dept's land registry. Who says there is no proof?
Other cronies giving the local landowners problems
Villager Linggan Anak Ngabok and his longhouse have lost their entire living. Only the headman has been offered compensation - in order to betray them?
The companies giving the locals trouble in the latest land case to develop in Balingian are, however, a different set of concession-holders.  Desacorp (in which the son of Taib’s political ally Hamid Bugo has shares) and the vast Empire Plantations, owned by the Wong family, who are key business cronies of the Chief Minister through their company WTK.
Four longhouses in Ulu Kenyana have have approached PKR leader Baru Bian to represent their case.
Linggam Anak Ngabok, from the Iban community of Rumah Randi in Kenyana, told us his problems began two years ago when Empire invaded his historic lands and destroyed the landscape, including all their fruit trees.  The plantation-owners refused to acknowledge the rights of the villagers.
“When they held a meeting with the DO to discuss the matter they would not even let us enter.  They only would accept to speak to the Pengulu and Tuan Rumah” he explained.
From Forest Reserve to this ……
The message back from the Pengulu was that “This is state land, so you cannot fight” say the villagers.  But they know it is their land.  They are also incensed that the BN appointed headmen were forced into decisions on their behalf and then received the miserable RM 250 per acre and not the people themselves.
The locals say that the key headmen have been  handed shares in the plantations, giving them a further incentive to act against the interests of the people they are supposed to represent, who have not been given shares or compensation or even jobs in the scheme.
So much for all Taib’s talk of ‘modernisation’ bringing benefit to the ordinary folk.  They say they used to live by selling the prized Arowana fish that lived in their river – it provided a good enough living.  However, now that the oil palm plantation has moved in and muddied the river they say the fish have gone.  The ordinary folk of the Chief Minster’s constituency of Balingian have been sidelined, ignored, left out and received nothing.  They also know it.  “To think we voted for BN at the last election laughed one of the residents of the moonscape of Kenyana.  This time we will not.  Definitely we will not”.

PICS : Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 07. Japan's Sendai airport is seen before (L) and after a tsunami hit the area in this combination photo of satellite images taken by Taiwan's National Space Organisation (NSPO) and released to Reuters March 13, 2011. The biggest earthquake to hit Japan on record struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings on fire. Pictures taken March 11, 2011 (L) and March 13, 2011. REUTERS/Formosat image/Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, GEODAC, National Cheng-Kung University and Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan/Handout (
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 01. Combination photo shows satellite images of Natori, Japan taken by the GeoEye-1 satellite on April 4, 2010 (L), and on March 12, 2011 after magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck the region. REUTERS/GeoEye Satellite Image/Handout
Some impressive images of Japan before and after the earthquake and tsunami hit. The damage water can do is immense.

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 02. A combination picture of satellite images taken by Taiwan's National Space Organisation (NSPO) shows Japan's Sendai area before the earthquake on March 11, 2011, (Left) and after the earthquake on March 12, 2011. (Right) REUTERS/Formosat image/Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, GEODAC, National Cheng-Kung University and Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 03. A combination photograph of NASA Terra satellite view of northeastern Japan, acquired February 26, 2011 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) shows the Sendai region (top) before the magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck the country on March 11, 2011 and the bottom image acquired March 12, 2011, reveals extensive flooding in the Sendai region following the earthquake and tsunami. REUTERS/NASA/MODIS Rapid Response Team/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 04. Combination photo shows satellite images of Sendai, Japan taken by the GeoEye-1 satellite on November 15, 2009 (L), and on March 12, 2011 after magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck the region. REUTERS/GeoEye Satellite Image/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 05. Combination photo shows satellite images of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan taken by the GeoEye-1 satellite on November 15, 2009 (L), and on March 11, 2011 after magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck the region. REUTERS/GeoEye Satellite Image/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 06. The shore of Japan is seen before (L) and after a tsunami hit the area in this combination photo of satellite images provided by the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) made available March 13, 2011. The biggest earthquake to hit Japan on record struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings on fire. Pictures taken September 5, 2010 (L) and March 12, 2011. REUTERS/DLR/Rapid Eye/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 08. A combination picture of satellite images taken by Taiwan's National Space Organisation (NSPO) shows Japan's Sendai area before the earthquake on March 11, 2011, (Left) and after the earthquake on March 12, 2011. (Right) REUTERS/Formosat image/Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, GEODAC, National Cheng-Kung University and Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 09. A combination picture of satellite images taken by Taiwan's National Space Organisation (NSPO) shows Japan's Sendai area before the earthquake on March 11, 2011, (Left) and after the earthquake on March 12, 2011. (Right) REUTERS/Formosat image/Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, GEODAC, National Cheng-Kung University and Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 10. A combination picture of satellite images taken by Taiwan's National Space Organisation (NSPO) shows Japan's Sendai airport before the earthquake on March 11, 2011, (Left) and after the earthquake on March 12, 2011. (Right) REUTERS/Formosat image/Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, GEODAC, National Cheng-Kung University and Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Before and After 11. A combination picture of satellite images taken by Taiwan's National Space Organisation (NSPO) shows Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan before the earthquake on March 11, 2011, (left) and after the earthquake and the massive tsunami on March 13, 2011. REUTERS/Formosat image/Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, GEODAC, National Cheng-Kung University and Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan/Handout

INFO : Fakta Mengenai Sindrom Radiasi Akut

Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir

Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir di Fukushima Daiichi yang dioperasikan Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) dillaporkan mengalami kebocoran. Kekhawatiran akan bahaya radiasi telah mendorong Pemerintah Jepun melakukan sejumlah upaya preventif, termasuk mengevakuasi 170.000 orang yang tinggal di wilayah pada radius 20 kilometer dari lokasi PLTN. Seberapa bahayakah paparan radiasi nuklir?
Berdasarkan Pusat Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit di AS, sindrom radiasi akut atau Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS), dikenal juga sebagai keracunan radiasi, adalah penyakit serius. Hal ini dapat terjadi sesaat setelah tubuh terpapar radiasi. Tingkat penderitaan seseorang terhadap radiasi tergantung pada seberapa jumlah radiasi yang terserap tubuh. Berikut ini adalah sejumlah fakta mengenai sindrom radiasi akut:
  • Seseorang dikatakan menderita sindrom radiasi akut ketika radiasi terserap ke organ dalam. Radiasi dari sinar X dan tindakan medis seperti CT-scan terlalu rendah untuk menyebabkan seseorang terkena sindrom radiasi akut.
  • Seseorang dikatakan menderita sindrom radiasi akut ketika dirinya terpapar radiasi selama beberapa waktu. Walaupun  dalam hitungan menit.
  • Gejala awal dapat dirasakan beberapa minit hingga beberapa hari setelah seseorang terpapar radiasi. Gejala tersebut dapat berupa muntah-muntah, diare, dan mabuk atau pening. Gejala ini dapat berlangsung hingga hitungan hari.
  • Setelah gejala awal hilang, seseorang kembali bugar. Namun, tak lama kemudian, orang tersebut akan menderita kembali. Bahkan, kali ini lebih parah. Gejalanya dapat berupa keletihan, demam, kehilangan nafsu makan, muntah, dan diare. Tahap ini dapat berlangsung selama beberapa bulan.
  • Kerusakan pada kulit akibat radiasi dapat timbul dalam hitungan jam. Hal ini dapat bertahan hingga hitungan tahun, tergantung seberapa parah seseorang terpapar radiasi. Gejalanya, kulit terasa perih dan bahkan terasa seperti terbakar. Rambut pun dapat menjadi rontok akibat radiasi.
  • Terpapar radiasi dapat saja berujung pada kematian, tergantung tingkat keparahannya. Biasanya, pada banyak kes, kematian terjadi beberapa bulan setelah seseorang terpapar radiasi. Kematian diakibatkan rusaknya tulang sumsum, infeksi, atau pendarahan.
  • Seseorang yang selamat dari sindrom radiasi akut dapat terus merasakan gejala hingga dua tahun setelah terpapar.
  • Perawatan yang dilakukan bagi seseorang yang terpapar radiasi terdiri dari tindak pencegahan dari kontaminasi lebih lanjut, mengurangi gejala sindrom, dan penyembuhan organ yang rusak akibat radiasi.
  • Dekontaminasi adalah proses menghilangkan kontaminasi eksternal oleh partikel radioaktif. Dekontaminasi boleh berupa melepas seluruh pakaian dan sepatu yang dipakai seseorang yang terpapar radiasi. Membasuh tubuh juga dapat mengurangi kontaminasi eksternal.

INFO : Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 01. A girl who has been isolated at a makeshift facility to screen, cleanse and isolate people with high radiation levels, looks at her dog through a window in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Are Japan and the World on the brink of a nuclear disaster the likes we have not seen since Chernobyl? The likelihood of one of the 3 reactors the Fukushima nuclear facility going into mneltdown mode are increasing by the hour. Several explosions have been heard and seen and increased levels of radiation have also been measured in the area. And to make matters worse, Fukushima is only one of 3 nuclear plants in trouble after the massive earthquake and tsnumai which hit Japan on March 11th.

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 02. A combination photo made of still images from video footage March 14, 2011, shows the explosion at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex. A hydrogen explosion rocked a crippled nuclear power plant in Japan on Monday where authorities have been scrambling to avert a meltdown following Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami. REUTERS/NTV via Reuters TV
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 04. A technician of the SERTIT, Regional Service of Image Treatment and Remote Sensing, points at a screen in his office in Illkirch Graffenstaden near Strasbourg, March 14, 2011 showing a satellite image of the region of the two Fukushima nuclear plants in Japan. The satellite image was taken on March 12, 2011, a day after the major earthquake and tsunami hit the region. The red squares on the map indicate the impacted areas in the region. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 05. Instruments for the measurement of nuclear radiation to send to Swiss Rescue workers in Japan, are pictured at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (DEZA) logistic - centre in Wabern March 14, 2011. A magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami which struck northern Japan on Friday. REUTERS/Pascal Lauener
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 06. Earthquake and tsunami damage is shown at the Fukushima-Daini Nuclear Power plant in this handout satellite image obtained March 13, 2011. According to news reports, this is the largest earthquake to hit Japan in recorded history. Analysts believe the powerful earthquake moved Japan's main island eight feet (2.4 meters), shifted the Earth on its axis four inches (10 centimeters), and unleashed a devastating tsunami. REUTERS/Digital Globe/Handout
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 07. Police officers wearing respirators guide people to evacuate away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant following an evacuation order for residents who live in within a 10 km (6.3 miles) radius from the plant after an explosion in Tomioka Town in Fukushima Prefecture March 12, 2011. Japanese authorities battling to contain rising pressure in nuclear reactors damaged by a massive earthquake were forced to release radioactive steam from one plant on March 12, 2011 after evacuating tens of thousands of residents from the area. Tokyo Electric Power Co also said fuel may have been damaged by falling water levels at the Daiichi facility, one of its two nuclear power plants in Fukushima, some 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo. REUTERS/Asahi Shimbun
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 08. Police officers wearing respirators patrol around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after an explosion in Fukushima Prefecture March 12, 2011. Japanese authorities battling to contain rising pressure in nuclear reactors damaged by a massive earthquake were forced to release radioactive steam from one plant on March 12, 2011 after evacuating tens of thousands of residents from the area. Tokyo Electric Power Co also said fuel may have been damaged by falling water levels at the Daiichi facility, one of its two nuclear power plants in Fukushima, some 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo. REUTERS/YOMIURI
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 09. Police wearing protective clothing and respirators head towards the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant in trucks in Minamisouma City, Fukushima Prefecture March 12, 2011. Authorities moved tens of thousands of residents from area near two nuclear plants in Fukushima prefecture, some 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, as they try to reduce pressure in the reactors. REUTERS/Yomiuri
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 10. Officials in protective gear check for signs of radiation on children who are from the evacuation area near the Fukushima Daini nuclear plant in Koriyama, March 13, 2011. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano confirmed on Saturday there has been an explosion and radiation leakage at Tokyo Electric Power Co's (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The biggest earthquake to hit Japan on record struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings on fire. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 11. Officials in protective gear stand next to people from the evacuation area near the Fukushima Daini nuclear plant, in Koriyama, March 13, 2011. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano confirmed on Saturday there has been an explosion and radiation leakage at Tokyo Electric Power Co's (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The biggest earthquake to hit Japan on record struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings on fire. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 12. Officials in protective gear scan for signs of radiation on a woman who is from the evacuation area near the Fukushima Daini nuclear plant in Koriyama, March 13, 2011. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano confirmed on Saturday there has been an explosion and radiation leakage at Tokyo Electric Power Co's (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The biggest earthquake to hit Japan on record struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings on fire. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 13. Officials in protective gear stand next to people from the evacuation area near the Fukushima Daini nuclear plant, in Koriyama, March 13, 2011. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano confirmed on Saturday there has been an explosion and radiation leakage at Tokyo Electric Power Co's (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 14. Official in protective gear talks to a woman who is from the evacuation area near the Fukushima Daini nuclear plant in Koriyama March 13, 2011. Japan battled to contain a radiation leak at an earthquake-crippled nuclear plant on Sunday, but faced a fresh threat with the failure of the cooling system in a second reactor. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 15. The inside of reactor No. 4 is seen at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, in this September 24, 2002 file photo. A quake-hit nuclear plant where a reactor exploded has also lost the emergency cooling system at a second reactor, Japan's nuclear power safety agency said on March 13, 2011. The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co, said on Sunday morning it had started releasing air from a reactor container vessel at the No. 3 reactor at its Fukushima Daiichi plant to lower pressure inside it and avoid any serious damage to the containment vessel. Picture taken September 9, 2002. REUTERS/Yomiuri Shimbun
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 16. Japan Self-Defense Forces officers carry a victim who is suspected of being exposed to radiation in Nihonmatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture March 13, 2011 after radiation leaked from an earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daini nuclear reactor. Japan battled to contain a radiation leak at an earthquake-crippled nuclear plant on Sunday, but faced a fresh threat with the failure of the cooling system in a second reactor. REUTERS/Yomiuri Shimbun
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 17. An official scans for signs of radiation on a woman in Nihonmatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture March 13, 2011 after radiation leaked from an earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daini nuclear reactor. Japan battled to contain a radiation leak at an earthquake-crippled nuclear plant on Sunday, but faced a fresh threat with the failure of the cooling system in a second reactor. REUTERS/Yomiuri Shimbun
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 18. An official scans for signs of radiation on a woman in Nihonmatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture March 13, 2011 after radiation leaked from an earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daini nuclear reactor. Japan battled to contain a radiation leak at an earthquake-crippled nuclear plant on Sunday, but faced a fresh threat with the failure of the cooling system in a second reactor. REUTERS/Yomiuri Shimbun
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 20. A technician in protective gear scans for signs of radiation on a child at a makeshift facility that screens, cleanses and isolates people with high radiation levels in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan March 14, 2011. Japan battled on Monday to prevent a nuclear catastrophe and to care for millions of people without power or water in its worst crisis since World War Two, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people.
REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 21. A man who was evacuated from the vicinity of Fukushima's nuclear power plants is screened for radiation levels at a makeshift facility to screen, cleanse and isolate people with high radiation levels in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao )
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 22. A mother tries to talk to her daughter who has been isolated for signs of radiation after evacuating from the vicinity of Fukushima's nuclear plants, at a makeshift facility to screen, cleanse and isolate people with high radiation levels in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 23. A family member evacuated from the vicinity of Fukushima nuclear power plant, tries to talk to a girl who was isolated for signs of radiation outside a makeshift isolation facility in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 24. A member of Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces (JGSDF) passes by bags filled with materials that could be contaminated with radioactive particles in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Monday that the situation at a quake-damaged nuclear plant remained worrisome and that authorities were doing their utmost to prevent damage from spreading. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 25. A man who was evacuated from the vicinity of Fukushima's nuclear power plant washes his head at Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces (JGSDF)'s makeshift facility to cleanse people who might have been exposed to radiation in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Monday that the situation at a quake-damaged nuclear plant remained worrisome and that authorities were doing their utmost to prevent damage from spreading. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 26. A man who was evacuated from the vicinity of Fukushima nuclear power plant cleanses his face at Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces' (JGSDF) makeshift facility to cleanse people who might be exposed to radiation, in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan March 14, 2011. Japan battled on Monday to prevent a nuclear catastrophe and to care for millions of people without power or water in its worst crisis since World War Two, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 27. A man who was evacuated from the vicinity of Fukushima nuclear power plant washes his spectacles at Japan Ground Self-Defense Forces' (JGSDF) makeshift facility to cleanse people who might have been exposed to radiation, in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Monday that the situation at a quake-damaged nuclear plant remained worrisome and that authorities were doing their utmost to prevent damage from spreading. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Nuclear Disaster Looms 28. A mother tries to talk to her daughter who has been isolated for signs of radiation after evacuating from the vicinity of Fukushima's nuclear plants, at a makeshift facility to screen, cleanse and isolate people with high radiation levels in Nihonmatsu, northern Japan, March 14, 2011, after a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao


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